How is this safe?

Through experience and practice! You will not be burned. We use a water barrier between your skin and the fire foam we use to create our flames.

It might startle you, but we walk you thru each step and it will definitely thrill you. We do not work with anyone under the age of 18.

Does it Hurt?

No! You will feel heat and get wet. You will not be burned. The water barrier we use prevents burns and heat rises. Some people have more sensitive skin than others.

Where do we shoot?

Anywhere! We can shoot indoors or outdoors. We are able to come to your home, host you at our home based photography studio in North Renton, or scout an outdoor location in Seattle such as the Arboretum, Gasworks, or Seward Park.

How should we dress for fire?

Almost anything is fine to wear. Avoid lace, frill, and other obvious synthetics. You can wear a costume or nothing at all. A lot of our art is nude and we are a regular contributor to the Seattle Erotic Art Festival.

Our consent and comfort standards are superb as we aim to make you as at ease as possible while doing fireplay. Any gender or expression, Flame Friends is a safe space for all bodies.

How many pictures will we receive?

At a private party session, each guest will receive a 3-4 images created for sharing online and with friends or just for your private collection.

Private shoots for an individual or corporate client, custom collaboration, or small group typically generate between 15-20 final images.

Couples' shoots include two individual shoots, and a joint shoot, with around 15-20 images.

We also shoot short form video, typically in slow motion.

Laugh, goof around, let us make you shine!

We Can Guide Your Fire experience

This may be a little scary, but more than that, it's a lot of fun! Our whole lives we are taught not to touch fire. Now is your chance feel the heat and not get burned. Trust in our experience, professionalism, and reputation.


It’s not just taking photos, it’s making fun memories

But Those Photographs Sure Are Nice!

An experience all by itself, being lit on fire with Jed Vassallo of Flame Friends also includes the photography of Jeff Hicks, an ex-newspaper photojournalist and events photographer who has been shooting since he picked up a Polaroid camera at age ten.



Safety First

FlameFriends is committed to the safety of everyone involved in our events and photo shoots. Safety comes first, then we make art.

Our Fuel

Fire Foam

We use a specific fuel blend designed to give a flare-up flame that is bright, large, yet brief. Total time on fire is less than 2 seconds.


Use Water

Water Barrier

The Fire Master sprays the skin area being lit on fire, as well as all areas of the body that may be affected by flame, such as hair, with Water. 

Flame On

Trust Jed

The Fire Master keeps a wetted Safety Blanket on him at all times, which he uses to put out the flames right after the ignition.